Friday, November 19, 2010

Group lunging, horse aging.

Indigo and some of the other easy-keeping horses eat in the arena. I went to pull him in today after their supper; he took off like a shot. Tried again; he let me stroke his neck, then the second I lifted the lead rope, he was gone again. I cleaned out the arena of feed pans and started driving all six horses around with a long lead. Toss and release, toss and release, cutting Indy out when I wanted and only giving him permission to group back up if I allowed. Eventually, I joined up with each other horse, haltered them, and let them into the corral. Finally it was just the youngster and me, and I spent another ten minutes with just the two of us Took a couple of false starts, but we finished alright and I rewarded him with chin scratches, water, a break, and a cookie. He was on edge the rest of the afternoon, which I'm not particularly happy about, but did settle enough for Richard to rasp his hooves. I don't like his demeanor today; depending on how he does, might put him in his old pen for a few days and do some more groundwork. Our lessons under saddle last week went passably, but I don't push him much as a two year old.

Pax was excellent yesterday, both free lunging and on the lunge line. It was her first time in a Western saddle (due to my oversight, really) and despite an initial snort and sidle at first, she handled it well. Measured her at fifteen solid hands yesterday. Maybe a half inch more.

As for Bandit, I enjoy him more every day. That old man is so much more capable than I knew. Dug up an old English bridle and a rubber o-ring and we have been working walk-trot bareback on coming onto the bit and engaging the hind end. I find my leg contact is much better received bareback and I feel the subtle changes in his spine. It's something fun to work at; hoping to take lessons in Fredericksburg soon. Next NATRC ride is first weekend in December. I read in Horse&Rider about what's considered "old age"-- apparently even in moderately fit horses, the cardiovascular system begins to lose efficiency noticeably starting at age 18. Does that mean I have one solid year of hard use in him left? Hope so, at least. So much is clicking now. I feel rather sad about the situation; wish I had something coming up sooner than Pax. Wish he were six again instead of sixteen.

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Location:Flaming Arrow Rd S,Hunt,United States

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